Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bellringer 4/24

I think that there is no rationality behind the idea that video games sparked this man's violent attack. Even claiming that he got his training from a video game is a ludicrous idea. Learning to press a button in a video game is completely different from loading and firing a real gun. While video games can spark an interest in violence as a young child, a fully grown man should know better, and be able to distinguish between reality and video games. Overall, I think the whole idea of video games causing massive shootings is ridiculous.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Agricultural Inventions

Gang Plow- 1. 12-14 blades.
2. It was made of steel.
3. Shortened work time greatly.

Cast Iron Plow- 1. People thought it poisoned the soil
2. The plow had three parts.
3. It had changeable blades.

Mold Board Plow- 1. Flipped soil to reveal richer soil.
2. It was invented by the Chinese.
3. Put richer soil on top.

Corn Picker- 1. Picked corn easier.
2. Required less men to complete the task.
3. It also pushed corn.

Flying Shuttle- 1. Dominated the weaving industry.
2. Worked twice as fast as hand workers.
3. Patented in 1733.

Thursday, March 22, 2012


3 news articles who/what/when/where 300-350 words
4 feature articles fact based, not as timely 275-325 words
2 editorials Can use your opinion, must be backed by facts, 350-400
5 pictures with captions
3 charts/graphs. statistics

14th century

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Agricultural and industrial revolutions

Subsistance farming- growing only what your family needs.
Enclosure movement- starting fencing all the common ground off
Common ground- land owned by everyone
Small families had farms taken and given to larger families in the enclosure movement
Tenant farmers
Those who couldnt be tenant farmers were forced to move
A man named Jethroh Toll was concerned about the amount of seed wasted by hand seeding, so he invented the seed drill, which made it more efficient to plant seed and plant in straight rows, made harvest easier and more efficient
Crop rotation, growing different plants in different areas every year
Changed from wood plows to metal plows, created interchangeable plow, replaceable blades
People moved to cities for work, was no work, because of factors of production, Great Britain volunteered to be the leader of the industrial revolution, had a lot of natural resources, top two were coal and iron ore, three factors of production are resources, land, and labor
Water was another main natural resource, it was important for food, transportation, and mills for energy, the spinning mill wheel powers factories, disadvantages were flooding and drought, rivers also allowed for the spread of ideas
The textile industry exploded, (not literally), created clothing by hand, mechanizing of the clothing industry with the sewing machine
Steam engine is created, could now power boats and trains,

Monday, March 19, 2012

Test Review

51-70 On the people we studied
1. The rennaisance began in? Italy
2. An interest in the classics is called? Humanism
3. Who wrote the first modern biography? James Boswell
4. Who wrote the Prince? Machiavelli
5. Who created David? Michelangelo
6. Where was the birthplace of the Italian Renaissance? Florence
7. Who painted the Mona Lisa? Da Vinci
8. What was the famous family in Florence that ruled? Medici?
9. Donatello, Michelangelo and Ghiberti were all? artists
10. Who painted The Last Supper? Da Vinci
11. Who painted the Sistine Chapel? Michelangelo
12. Who invented the movable metal type? Gutenberg
13. What is a French name for a castle? Chateau
14. Belgium, Netherlands, and Luxembourg are referred to as the ? countries? The Lower Countries
15. In the Renaissance they began to paint with? Perspective
16. Who wrote the book Utopia? Thomas More
17. Who was a classical playwrite whose works include Romeo and Juliet? William Shakespeare
18. This is a change in the Church's way of teaching and practicing Christianity? Reformation
19. These were certificates issued by the church that were said to reduce the punishment for one's sins and even future ones? Indulgences
20. Who believed in Justification by Faith? Martin Luther?
21. Luther nailed these to a church door? 95 Theses
22. What was the first Protestant Faith? Lutheranism
23. Who was the founder of Lutheranism? Martin Luther
24. Who was the Swiss Reformer? Huldrych Zwingli
25. What is a church-run state called? Theocracy
26. Who wrote The Institutes of Christian Religion? John Calvin?
27. Who was the founder of Calvinism? John Calvin
28. What is called when God determines the fate of every person? Predestination
29. These people believed that only adults could be baptised?
30. Who was Henry's 1st wife? Catherine
31. Who was his 2nd? Anne
32. Who was his 3rd? Jane
33. Who was his 4th? Anne
34. Who was his 5th? Catherine
35 Who was his 6th? Catherine
36-41 What happened to his wives in order 1st through 6th.
42. Why did Henry VIII get married so many times? He wanted a male heir
43. Name Henry's children? Mary Elizibeth, Edward
44. Who became the head of the church during Henry VIII's reign? Himself
45. The inquisition was brought about to restore who's authority? The Church?
46. This was a change by the Catholic church?
47. Who was the founder of the Jesuits? Ignatius de Loyola
48. What was the name of the society of Jesus? Jesuits
49. The main job of the Jesuits was to be?
50. Name the qualities of being merciful, trustworthy, humane, religious, and honest were the qualities of a good person according to whom? Machiavelli

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

More notes on people

Aretmisia Gentileschi
She was an Italian Barquay painter. Born in 1593 in ROme. Considered one of the most accomplished painters of the generation. She was raped by Tassi. Died in 1652. Painted pictures of strong woman, including a self portrait.

Sir Thomas More
He was an english lawyer and a devoted humanist. He wrote a book titled Utopia in which he shared a vision of equals.

Martin Luther
Lived from 1483 to 1564. Born into a German Catholic Family. Wrote the 95 Theses challenging the Catholic Church.

Mguel of Cervantes
Born in 1547, son of a surgeon, Wrote the book Don Quixote

Loise Labe
She was educated in music and languages. Married in her 20s. She wrote 24 sonnets. Sometime after 1556 she apparently left to live in the countryside. She died of plague in 1566.

Filippo Brunelleschi
His major work was the dome of the Florence Cathedral.

Ambrose Pare
He was born in France in 1510. He served as a surgeon's apprentice. During the war he served his country. He wrote the book Des Monstres. It was published in 1573. He was one of the first people to learn to tie an artery. Invented the use of bandages.

Pieter Brueghel
He was a Flemish painter and printmaker. He was known for landscapes and a p word. painted the Peasant Dance.

Prince Henry of Portugal

His nickname was Henry the Navigator. He was the third child of King John I of Portugal, founder of the Aviz Dynasty. He was responsible for the early development of European exploration and maritime trade with other continents. He was the duke of Viseu. Established a center of navigation and exploration.