Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Agricultural and industrial revolutions

Subsistance farming- growing only what your family needs.
Enclosure movement- starting fencing all the common ground off
Common ground- land owned by everyone
Small families had farms taken and given to larger families in the enclosure movement
Tenant farmers
Those who couldnt be tenant farmers were forced to move
A man named Jethroh Toll was concerned about the amount of seed wasted by hand seeding, so he invented the seed drill, which made it more efficient to plant seed and plant in straight rows, made harvest easier and more efficient
Crop rotation, growing different plants in different areas every year
Changed from wood plows to metal plows, created interchangeable plow, replaceable blades
People moved to cities for work, was no work, because of factors of production, Great Britain volunteered to be the leader of the industrial revolution, had a lot of natural resources, top two were coal and iron ore, three factors of production are resources, land, and labor
Water was another main natural resource, it was important for food, transportation, and mills for energy, the spinning mill wheel powers factories, disadvantages were flooding and drought, rivers also allowed for the spread of ideas
The textile industry exploded, (not literally), created clothing by hand, mechanizing of the clothing industry with the sewing machine
Steam engine is created, could now power boats and trains,

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