Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Agricultural Inventions

Gang Plow- 1. 12-14 blades.
2. It was made of steel.
3. Shortened work time greatly.

Cast Iron Plow- 1. People thought it poisoned the soil
2. The plow had three parts.
3. It had changeable blades.

Mold Board Plow- 1. Flipped soil to reveal richer soil.
2. It was invented by the Chinese.
3. Put richer soil on top.

Corn Picker- 1. Picked corn easier.
2. Required less men to complete the task.
3. It also pushed corn.

Flying Shuttle- 1. Dominated the weaving industry.
2. Worked twice as fast as hand workers.
3. Patented in 1733.

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